DMX Mixer, Inc.
Below are listed patents and publications related to the Dynamic Mixer and its applications.
To view the abstract of a patent, click on the patent number. You can also view the full patent on the United States Patent
Office website:
U.S. Pat. 5,951,159 (1999)
U.S. Pat. 5,749,649 (1998)
U.S. Pat. 5,670,112 (1997)
U.S. Pat. 4,964,730 (1990)
U.S. Pat. 4,749,279 (1988)
K. Belina, P. Juhasz, D. Csongor, N. R. Schott: "Interaction in PC/ABS Blends Prepared in a Dynamic Melt Mixer",
ANTEC 2001.
R. A. Esposito: "Distributive Mixing Performance of Two Dynamic Mixers", ANTEC 1986, 870.
B. G. Alzner, W. F. Allen, D. Csongor: "A Modular System of Dynamic Melt Mixers", ANTEC 1986, 883.